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Foldable and multifunctional tricycle.
- Easy and quick assembly
- Easily foldable as it results a compact product, storable anywhere
- Reversible seat that offers sleeping position facing the parent and also forward facing
- Gifted with rubber EVA wheels with proper supportability and durability for a long use
- Multifunctional: it can be used from 1 to 4 years
- XXL awning with UV protection
- Seat muff, quilted backseat suited for extra comfort
- Equipped with a 5 point safety-belt
- Removable element(awning, protection ring, leg support) to realise a classic tricycle usable by older kids
- Auxiliary rod for parents and double ergonomic breaks.
- Integrated parent steering system;
- Adjustable hood;
- Seat cover made from sponge and textile fabrics;